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Start improving your pelvic health today with Umi

1.1 Welcome - Introduction
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Menopause by Umi

Menopause by Umi is the go-to resource for anyone wanting to get clued up on all things menopause, and learn quick and easy ways to support their whole wellbeing in the run up to, during and/or after menopause.

Available on: Umi Plus


Essentials by Umi

Essentials is our free, online video course for women at all life stages: from puberty to post-menopause. It’s your go-to guide to learn more about your pelvic health and to discover what is and isn’t normal on those taboo subjects (pelvic floor, sex, periods, pooing and lots more) that we typically only ever explore when something goes awry. You’ll find simple strategies you can implement straight away to start improving your pelvic health, for free.

Available on: Umi Free

1.1 Welcome - Introduction
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1.1 Welcome - Introduction
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Pregnancy by Umi

Our online Pregnancy video course focuses on pelvic health, something that often gets overlooked during this hugely significant event for the female body. This course builds on Essentials to bring you up-to-speed on everything you need to know about how your pregnancy affects your body, to help you to avoid or manage symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction in pregnancy and pelvic floor friendly strategies for birth. 

Available on: Umi Plus


Postnatal by Umi

Our Postnatal course will give you a much better understanding of (and, hopefully, a kinder approach to) your post-baby body. This course will give your physical recovery a headstart and remove some of the shock and confusion that so many women experience in the days, weeks and months after having a baby.

Available on: Umi Plus

1.1 Welcome - Introduction
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Umi Guides

In our Umi guides we delve deeper into discrete topics to arm you with even more knowledge, tips and tricks to make immediate and sustained, long term improvements to your pelvic health. We act on member feedback in producing and timetabling these guides, so be sure to let us know if there is a topic you would like us to cover.

Available on: Umi Plus

On Air Sign

Umi Live

Our Umi Live events are an opportunity for us to delve deeper into specific topics, as guided by our community. All the perks of attending a panel Q&A without the faff of you having to actually leave your home or make small talk. Plus, catch up on all our Umi Live events to date with the Live Library.

Umi Lives available on: Umi Free

Live Library available on: Umi Plus

In Production

Running Up

Run by Umi

Because running is not just a fitness activity, it's something we should all be able to choose to do, confidently and fearlessly. In this course we will cover all the things that all women who run - or who want to - need to know.

Coming to: Umi Plus

In Production

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